Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic.
Charles Fort agreed with Arthur C Clarke, as he pointed out in his book Wild Talents: “…a performance that may one day be considered understandable, but that, in these primitive times, so transcends what is said to be the known, that it is what I mean by magic.”
It is said that we have control over only three things:
Our Attitude
Our Emotions
Our Energy
If I was to have to choose control over only one of these I would choose control over my energy, because I believe if we have control over our energy we automatically have control of our emotions and attitude of mind. This book is for you if you would you like to learn how to effectively control your energy.
We are able to release issues as energy because we have within us a natural energy re-cycling plant. It is a little known fact that we are born with the ability to change our physical, emotional and mental well-being on demand. As with all other abilities though, we need to learn how to hone the skill so we become adept.
My intention is to both explain the nature of our energetic being and then expose you to how to become adept at change on-demand by skillfully using your inner re-cycling plant.
I’ve learned over the years never to reject an idea simply because it seemed miraculous. Miracles are simply occurrences that cannot be explained from a present perspective. However, take a different perspective and the miracle seems simply explained or easily understood. Watch a magician work from the perspective of the audience, then watch him work from the perspective of backstage. Will you see a different perspective of his trick?
I have respect for that which transcends my current understanding. Often I just need to question, get curious, or look from a different perspective, in order to grasp the truth of a new challenging idea. Remember a cube has six sides and each may be decorated differently, which may create an illusion of looking at six different objects.
I know of no way to force anyone to believe anything they may not want to believe. I will present compelling evidence in the hope of inspiring you to be curious and seek more to make the unknown, known and understood.
When we are learning something new we all go through the following stages:
Everyone seeks peace as an innate goal so we organically meet challenges in order to get there. If we truly want peace and we avoid challenge, then we will never achieve it. Simple.